The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas (2024)

a a a a a i Subscribers Who Fail To Receive Their Paper By 6 P. M. May Telephone 2573 Before 6:30 P. M. And It Will Be Delivered BLYTHEVILLE DOMINANT NEWSPAPER OF NORTHEAST ARKANSAS AND NEWS Blytheville SOUTHEAST MISSOURI VOL.

XLI-NO. 191 Daily News Blytheville Herald Blytheville Courler Mississippi Valley Leader BLYTHEVILLE, ARKANSAS, MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1944 SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS' 40,000 NAZIS RETREAT FROM HOLLAND the the Invasion Weather Slows Pace of Soviets In East Prussia German Resistance Also Grows Heavier As Battle Continues, By Vulted Press The first bitter winds of winter and stiffenlug German resistance have slowed the Russian drive Into Enst P'russin. Arctic gales howling down from the north have corcred the center of the eastern- front and the mountainous sectors; to the south with SHoW. And this snow Is impeding Sovicl mechanized columns and the Red Army. Air Force.

Military advices say the bottle for Fast Prussin is raging unabated, with both sides suffering heavy losses as General Cherninkhovsky's huge army batters at the outposts of Gumbinnen on the rond to KonIgsberg. And the Nazis are fighting back fiercely from fortified zones lined from to 12 mites deep with pillboxes, benvy guns and tank traps, Nazi Casuallies ligh One Russian. unit took only 100 alive after, lighting its way seyen miles through network of pillboxes. In 'some sectors, the Cerman people's army units are suffering 70 per cent. casunitics.

London radio says Genern! Pc'the trov's army has pushed soull past captured Ruthenion roll hub or CSap to join unlis of another Sofrom viet army pushing Inlo Hungary Transylvania. However, radio Merlin, claims a grent German victory in. fungary. Thie enemy brondcast says that in a great tank battle In. pastern Hungury, 19,000 troops were killed or captured and 053 lenks and 912 guns destroyed, bal the enemy claim is unconfined.

Far to the north, Berin admits setback on the Baltic front. A bal' million Russians, paced by seven tank. corps, were reported to have opened a full-scale offensive in LatAnd. the German admits the Red Army has cuptured the Lalvinn stronghold or Ance 73 miles cast German of one of the two remaining escape. ports an Sea.

Victory in Yugosiaria On the southern end of the 1700 mlle front, the free Yugoslav radio says Marshal Tito's partisans and Russian stretch troops have liberated 160- the Daimantion coast. The broadcast adds that the victory cuts oft nine full German divisions in Macedonia, Greece and Albania. At least part of one of these divisions Is reircating northward out of Greece right now. British Tommies have chased German garrison out of the Macedoulan capital of Konzant, In northern Greece. Last scen, the Nazis were withdrawing north toward Yit.

goslavia. On the political front, authoritative sources agree that tho Bulgarinn armistice terms are "reintively lenient." Bulgaria is reported to have been required to pay much less In reparations than the 300 million dolDATA the Allies demanded from mania and Finland. But until the war is over, Bulgarian troops will he under Allied commanders and the Bulgar government will be directed by An Allled control commission. 013 Independents Want On Ballot High Court To Hear Arguments In Appeal From Sharp County LITTLE ROCK, Oct. 30 (UP) Oral arguments will be held Tuesday by the State Suprente Court In the case of three Sharp County residents who filed as Independent candidates for county offices in the November general J.

Paul Ward, chancellor of Batesville, In a decision handed down Oct. 27 at Evening Shade rul. ed that the names of the three Independent candidates, Bryan Hutchinson. for county judge; Godwin for sheriff and Glen ton for assessor, should be placed on the ballots for the Nov. 7 general election.

Ward's decision was based on the fAct that the election commissioners of Stone County had voted place the names on the ballots despite the fact that the candidates had not filed a corrupt practice pledge with the body 30 days before the date 308 af the general assembly. for the voting, as required by Act The three democratic nominees for the offices opposed placing of the independent's names. on the ballots and appealed the verdict of lower court. I End of a Lost. Cause Wounded and.

half-naked men of tha: Warsaw resistance lImp dejectedly through the the capital army. their surrender. to. the Germans. Patriot torces but to surrender when Red Army, fought gales heroically, toiled to cone to their ald.

at of the city, Killough To Hear Pleas Of Guilty Here Tomorrow will O1rcult Court's Criminal Division, have a one day tomor-: row when Spechi Judge Walter Killough of Wymne will hear -pleas ol guilty, 44 Thad who guilty, wIll be given sentences thore WIN be 110 jury trials because of. Inability to secure 'Jurors, it has been announced. Cases of defendants pleading not' guilty will be carried over until the April. term of Criminal but there are not' a Inge munbor of these, IL is understood. 16 Bus Passengers Hurt Near Smackover EL DORADO, Oct.

30. (UP) -Sixteen persons were Injured, riote serlously, when Tri-Stale Transit Company bus turned over, near Smuckover Sunday morning. Negroes were removed (hospitals at El Dorado for, ircalment. And .12 others recelved Drst uld trentmient for minor brulses. 'Twenty-one persons' were on the bus at the time of the acci-: dent, sold to have been caused by mechanical trouble.

Sergt. W. R. Kinchen Is Killed On Continent Sergi. Willom R.

Kinchen, son of James Kitchen, has been killcd in action in Europe, the War Department has announced. No delalls were disclosed. Steel Workers End Strike In Alabama GASDEN, Oct. 30 (U.P.)appriximalcly 2700 workers' at the nt Republic Gadsden Steel Corporation plant today returned to their jobs, ending IL (ive-day walkout. The strike had resulted in altnost total shutdown of steel production.

A company official says full production probably would not be resumel for several days. R. E. Farr, district director for the CIO Steel Workers snid the walkont began in protest against a reduction 122 the workers at the plant's coke plant and powerhouse. Chicago Rye open high low close

Dec. May 108 New York Cotton Oct. 2071 2074 Dec. 2164 2166 2162 2162 2166 Mar. 2174 2176 2172 2173 2176 May 2176 2178 2174 2174 2180 July 2156 2158 2152 2152 2158 N.

Y. Stocks 164 Amer Tobacco 67 Anaconda Copper 27 Beth Steel 63 Chrysler 90 Gen Electric 38 Motors 61 Montgomery Ward 50. IN Y. Central 18 Republic Steel 18 Int Harvester 17 Studebaker '18. Standard of 54 Texas Corp 46.

Steel Stettinius Will Represent U. S. Will Pinch-Hit For Hull At Meeting Of Pon-American Board Acting WABHINGTON, Secreinry of 30. (UP) State Stettinius, sent today revedled country that he wIll this al an nunual meeting of 'the Pan American Union governing bonrd on Wednesday. The bonrd will' consider Argentina's expected request -for on carly Ing tors of all, American foreign ministo try and Iron out the troubled Argentine situation.

says that this governsuch ment will do nothing to discourage will nicoling. pinch The acting secretary State Hull hit 'is in for Secretary of who tho hospital for At physical checkup. the the same thine, Stettinfus said United States regrets Russin's refusal national. participate In the Interbegins Weducsdny In Chleugo, He conference which wilt added; continue however, to that this country discuss clvll nviation matters the Sovlets as they develop in the (nture. The 5CCretary reason did for not, commient on Russia's refusing the invitation, because Spain; Porlugal and Switzerland would be represented.

Suffers Knee Injury Falling on stick, Mrs. J. M. Terrell, 65, sprained her right knee Friday while walking in the yard of her home 011 the Armorel Confined to the bed, her conditon today Is sery good. She la mother of JImmy L.

Tersell and Mrs. Suc Long, Schoolgirl Breaks Arm of Fay Mr. Terrell, Mrs. 11-year-old daughter and Jinimy L. Terrell, broke her left attn Salurday mornwhile, skating near her home, 1012 Holly.

where she remnined until yesterday, Removed Blytheville she gas able to go to school today. Wyatt Infant Dies Linda Lou Wyatt, three- months old daughter of Mr. and O. D. Wyatt, died Saturday at Ily Funcral home in services the Pride Subdivision.

terday afternoon were yesat Cobb Funeral Home by the Rev. M. E. Ball, Penple tecostal Grove minister, Cemetery. with at Ma-, Besides her parents, she Is survived by two brothers and a sister.

Negro Victim Dies 2074 2166 Sanders Kilgare, Negro, died carly Sunday here, where he had been brought following fight at Holland. Mo." Afissourl officers are investigat1-8 ing, it was sald. Weather 1-8; 5-81 'ARKANSAS Partly cloudy this 3-4 afternoon, tonight and Tuesday. Warmer In east and south 'portions, tonight. 1-2 3-8 Minimum temperature here yesterday was, 43 degrees and maxi7-8 mum temperature yesterday WAS 76 7-8 according.

to the official 7-8 weather opseryer, Americans Now In Full Control Of Samar Island Cleaning Up On Leyte And Soon May Turn Northward To Luzon By United Press The Japanese are getting set to meet an invasion of Luzon island, of Corregidor, and Manlla in the Philippines. The American invasion of Leyte and Samar islands is ahead of schedule, and the Jups fear Luzon will be next. The American invaders have won unquestioned control of Samar, which is just across a strait from Luzon, and on Leyte, virtually all organized resistance has ended. Yanks Reach Hills The Americans on Leyte have driven Into the hills nearly hall WAy across the island, from east to west, and are wilhin 16 miles of the Ormoc air and sea base on the west coast. The Japanese may try to use Ormoc as an evacuation port.

The Americans also have occutpied a ting Island called Panaon, just southeast of Leyte. Aboul one million and a half Pilipinos have been liberated in all. From Leyte island today came an fighting story, refused to call it amazing of An American quils and for two years lived life of a hunted onimal minong the the Jap-held islands of the Philippines. He Is Second Lieut. Joseph St.

John of who told barrowing story of adventure, narrow escapes and intrigue. The 24-yenr-old. officer escaped from the Japanese at Bataan and he came out of hiding during the American invasion. Now that he. is more out bf his "fugitive existence" Lieut.

St. John admits his back pay fill look good, and, he adds will a pretty Americon girl. Tokyo Still Bragging Radio Tokyo still is telling the Japanese people about their great fictitious naval victory off the Philippines. A London broadcast this morning quoted a Tokyo radio dispatch telling of new fleet engagement. But monitors now believe the Japanese.

report was a garbled version of the announcement of earlier naval action. Turning to' the war on the Asiatie mainland, the Japanese are putting on increasing pressure to. lake Kwellin. The enemy has penetrated the outskirts of the city, and fighting has increased in intensity. A communique from Ceylon reports that Chinese and British forc.

es have retaken almost 2000 square mites of territory in their northern Burma campaign to reopen the Indla- China supply road. Little River Gin Damaged By Fire Sunday Fire seriously damaged the Little River Gin carly Sunday and. burned 170 bales of colton, although a part of the gin proper and some cotton were saved. Discovered by the night watchman, the fire started in the baled cotton stacked near the gin. Origin is unknown.

An climate of the loss had not been completed today. until Volunteer workers fought the fire extinguished and it is believed that the five-stand can be put into operation before the end of the scason, provided parts are secured Immediately. J. F. Harris is manager of the cooperative gin, located four miles south of Roseland.

Seed House Damaged By Flames Saturday The cotton seed house of Hughes Gin on South was damaged slightly Saturday, afternoon when fire broke a amount of unginned cotton stored small there. Damage of the fire, discovered nt 3:30 o'clock, was confined to ing of the small quantity of burn-. and damage to the roof. Estimate cotton of the loss was not completed this morning. Work on repairing the building was underway today.

Livestock ST. LOUIS, Oct. 30 salable -Hogs 200-240 lbs 14.50; 140-160 lbs 13.70-13.75. Cattle salable calves 3,000 all salable; mixed yearlings and heifers 13.50-15; cOwS 7-11; canners and cutlers slaughiler steer 9-18; slaughter heifers 7.50-17; stocker and feeder steers 7.25-13. Boston Appeal Possibly Final One For F.D.R.

President May Not Make Visit To Ohio As Was Expected By Unlied Press has President Roosevelt apparently decided to make only more major campaign speech before election. That's the one scheduled in Boston on Saturday. White House Secretary Stephen Early today told newsmen that right now the President is planning to spend this week in Washington inking care of Important work. And he indicated that the President will not carry his, campaigu into Oblo, 15 some expected. However.

Early said the definite decision will be made within 24 hours. It is known that same of Mr. Roosevelt's nd-1 visers are so pleased with, resulls of his weekend. trip Philndelphia and Chicago that they are urging him to make the Ohio swing. Brief Stops Scheduled Tri New York.

Democratic National Chainnan Hannegan has announced that Mr. Roosevelt will make brief stops at Bridgeport anti Hartford, and on his way to Boston Slurday. The President win probably make brief train-side specches at each stop. Governor Dewey will cross the President's path on Wednesdny on his way from Albany to Boston, where he making speech standard night. The Republican at bearer plans train stops, Pittsfield, Springfield and Worcester.

Mass. Arid (o spend 111 Connecticut. Today Dewey sent a message to the special session of the New York legislature urging extension of New York's voting hours. hours Dewey recommended that the stale be extended throughout the for two hours, until 9 The message was released at the same time that Secretary almost of State Curran issued a report showing that New York's registration was when little below the 1940 figure, Mr.

Roosevelt carried the state. Truman In Last As for the vice-presidentiat candidates, Senator Truman is windIng land. up his campaign in New EngHe speaks in Providence, R. today, and In New York's Madison Square Garden tomorrow. Governor Bricker, launched his campaign far Michigan's 19 electoral vates today with a speech in Flint, Mich.

Bricker described the estimated 300 billion dollar portwar national debt as "postponed taxes." And he said the only way the American people can repay this enormous obligation and at the same time get rexiuced taxes, is to vote Republican November 7. 3 Electors Bolt In Mississippi Will Vote For Byrd Instead Of Roosevelt In Coming Election JACKSON, Oct. 30 (UP)Pro- Democrats in Mississippi are looking to their leaders to make the slate's nine electoral rotes safe for the President. Late Saturday. three of electors sald they would not support the President, and would hand' their voles to Senator Harry Byrd, of Virginin.

Governor Thomas L. reported to have conferred with Attorney-General Greek L. Rice last night and may make a statement sometime today in regard to the electars' bolting action. As the situation now stands. President Roosevelt would get only six of the state's electral votes man Woman and child in Mississippi every voted for the Democratic electors.

Frank E. Everett, Indianola: Clarence Morgan, Kosclusko; and McLain, of McComb. declared Saturday that certain things had sible transpired which made it imposfor them to support the Prusident. They named the following "certain things:" The northern open bid for support of the negroes by the leaders of the Democratic party; the promise to do away with racial segration in South; and the acceptance of the lions communistic and polltical accommittee support sued In August, Governor Bailey Isa statement in which he vihclared he felt sure all nine electors inces. would support the party 110111- His statement resulted in the abandoning of plans for a convento tion to name new electors pledged the party nominees.

Late Bulletins Three DENVER, Japanese Oct. 30 (UP)prisoners al Army's Fitzsimmons General lluspital were killed by guards last night after they started a Hot. LONDON. Oct. 30 German DNI News Agency reports- tut the Red Army Iras launched a new offensive in lutigary between the Danube Tisza rivers.

ALBANY, N. Oct. 30 (UP) A fight over soldier voting dereloped today in a special session of the New York State Legislature. Governor Dewey has sent 3 message to the special session of New York's legislature urging an extension of the state's voting hours. That would keep the booths open until 9 p.

m. EWE. Dewey also recommends that the deadline for the return of sol. dier ballots be extended until Nov. 6.

Under the present. law the ballots must be returned Nor. 3. British LONDON, Oct. 30 (UP)- ---The Admiralty announced that carrier-borne planes sank six German vessels and damaged 19 more in an attack off the Norwegian coast.

Colonel Tipton Leads Raid Over Germany Col. James Tipton, son of Dr. and Mis. Paul Tipton, com-. manded the American fighter bombers which Saturday attacked German supply routes beyond the Unlted Stutes Third Army; frost and sealed both ends -tuntel, couthwest of with direct hits.

The railrond Thunderbolts. destroyed, bridge nt Kalserinulern with three direct hits, set utire a nearby warehouse and wiped out five gun positions around the target. same formation destroyed 13 locomotives and silenced flak posillons. Colonel Tipton lins been comoverscas but whether an his dutles manding officer of airfield have been changed or whether he WAS on a temporary Assigninent, ls not known, Official reports from the Ninth Army Air Forces in Luxembourg praised Colonel Tipton and his men for the feat. Colonel Tipton, 20, is the only Blytheville man who has altained the 'rank of colonel.

'Dud' Shell Explodes At Camp Robinson LITTLE ROCK, Oct. 30. 'The Cump Robinson relations (UP)at the camp were injured Sunday office says several soldiers slutioned when a shell, thought to have been a "dud" exploded. All of the injured men were working on ordnance munitions. No other delalls linve been released immediately.

Say (Signal Corps Photo from NEA) A bearded Russian "opens wide" as a French medical officer at 'the 'Displaced Persons Center, Briery, France, where civilians of many nationalities are sheltered, examines his throat. Many of them formerly worked as (orced laborers In German mines and factories in France and Germany. British Reach Dutch Fortress Of Roosendaal Gormans Falling Back TODAY'S WAR ANALYSIS Jap Drydocks Prime Targets For Bombing By JAMES HARPER United Press Staff Writer ellities are concentrated 011 the lower end of Kyushu, southernmost of the home islands. Kyushu already has been hit several times by Superfortresses from China, and lies only 1450 mites from Suipan, well with: in B-29 bombing range. With Japan's fleet badly shattered, the U.

S. James llarper American airmen may write a new chapter of destruction for the Japanese navy In a post-scrip to the battle of the Philippine sea. The enemy fleet suffered heavily In that fight, but it -may suffer even more heavily in its aftermath. Naval experts belleve the time Is ripe to deliver a coup de grace to the Jap navy by completing the destruction of -cripples that managed to limp away. This could be done in coordinated attacks by both lurid and carrier based pluncs on ships undergoing repairs in Japanese harbors.

Not all the enemy islunds are within range of China-based' B-29s. But luckily, most of Japan's ship f8- James llarper Navy now has its best opportunity to date for a carrier blow at the Japanese home islands. Carrier planes probably could strike a for more destructive blow at anchored wurships than land-based bombers. and torpedo' planes op-1 erating from -tops usunily ettguge in dive bombing as with the high-level horizontal bombing of long-range land-based planes. Thus, they probably would be more successful In hiting the comparatively small target presented by a warship.

Steel Shortage Acute Future attacks on Kyushu shipyards may destroy. war vessels, but i past attacks Kyushu steel plants already have Impeded their repair. Japan always has been somewhat thort. on steel. And that situation has been aggravated by the war.

When the Japs fenced off a vast empire, they cornered 98 per cent of the world's teak, 96 per cent of its natural rubber, 92 per cent of its quinine, 65 per cent of its tin and 82 per cent of its tea. But, as tor steel, here's what the Foreign Economic Administration "The Japanese war machine is determined largely by Japan's ca-; pacity to make steel. conquests since Pearl Harbor have brought it virtually no new additional steel making capacity." True, those conquests have brought the Japs new sources of iron and other materials that go into steel. For Instance the world's largest Iron deposit lies in the Philippine Island of Mindanao. But Japan hasn't been able to enlarge its industrial facilities sufficiently to turn those materials into more steel.

The enemy 19 losing oneand-one-halt-million tons of merchant shipping a year. And he's building only million tons, largely because of lack of steel. Steel Center Already it American B-29s have concentrated on a 20-mile coastal ribbon along the northern tip of Kyushu which is Japan's chief center of steel production. They have hammered Yawata, Japan's largest steel city which produces 20 per cent of its tolal supply. Japan itself produces 1,700,000 annual tons of iron ore.

It gets nine million tons from Korea, China and Manchuria, and 300,000 tons! from the arca south of Formosa. From this ore, the Japs turn out 10 million tons of pig iron. And this pig Iron, together was scrap, is turned into 13,700,000 t0115 of steel. By contrast, America's steel production is about 88 million tons, or six times as great. Thus the enemy has no superabundance of steel.

And American B-29 attacks on Kyushu mills arc adding to the shortage just when the Japs wIll need all the steel they can find to plug leaks in their warships. And cren if they find the steel to repair their shattered fleet, It may be sunk in its drydocks before the job is done. A total of seven battleships, seven heavy cruisers, three light crulsers end 17 destroyers are listed AS probably sunk or, at least, damaged. That armada of cripples should constitute A line target for American airmen In the Pacific, Chicago Wheat MAy 159 Chicago Wheat open high low close pr.el. Dec.

Toward Meuse River Under Constant Fire SUPREME ALLIED HEADQUAR TERS, Oct. 30. (UP) -Some 40,000 Gerinun soldiers are falling back out of southwest Holinud, hounded evory step of the way by Allled sol diets. The. Germans are retreating ward the Meuse elver, whose bride e9 have been.

bombed: time nguin by Allied planes. However, Al led headquarters acknowledges thri large proportion probably will able to cross the river by pontoo and ferry: Bredn, The Nazis their Already have ylelde in one of Inst stronghold the area. And British troops hav broken: Into: Roosendaal, once. Important point in the Germun de fenscs. Tho Gormans are 'falling back along roads swept by Allled rackets bombs, shells and bullets.

Brit Ish officer 'told: United Press Con respondent Walter "The Germans are going back. certain amount of confusion; cer tainly not according to. plun." Control' at Port Nearer: The Allled campaign to clear ch Schielde catuary and open the pon of' Antwerp to. wailing ships 'ols has gained momentum. Canadian troops lute 'linked the with British, soldiets of southwest shore of South Bevel land They have selzed th to Island's largest, town and pressed.

of within two miles of the causeway lending' to nooded Walchoren Islaud On the south shore of the estuary other tighter Canadian German forces have squeezer pocket wits capture. two more Incidentully, Allied troops, nor control norin of bridgehead across canal because of the of. 13 Canadians com That manded, by. on Americon captali hours lost patrol held out In stove. factory Alied.

will vats of deadly acid. 'The patrol. was- sent out during the night to swim or wide two par alle! canals and seize: 'n. -foothol among the factory tings, Cap taln: Owen. Lambert, of: Jolli California, who led the Canadians says: "They were surrounded dun ing the night in a factory the size a football field.

lie sny. "was blasting holes in the wails am us throwing that grenades in. It's lucky, fo Jerry's grenades aren't an good. If they were we wouldn't here." "Noise Like a Regiment. Lambert.

ordered the men to ru al! over the building, shouting an yelling to make the Germans thin tiny they had a regiment, Instend af patrol, but the men's, weapon wero so clogged with mud that the dred Irregularly, If at all. Says th captain: "You'd have lo. yank the rifle bol for five minutes: to get: the -breech open, then take five minutes nion to get It shut, then maybe 14. would n't fire. knew we had It If -w couldn't get reinforcements." Finally, sent Sergeant Charles Kipp of Ontario' back the regiment to get help.

Kipp wolk ed down the middlo of the stree he owned the town. A pla toon led by Maj. M. J. McCutcheon of Niagara Falls, and Kip fought back across the canals en through streets and fields Illtere with German dead rescue th herolc little band.

Southeast of the Canadian. sea tor, the Aincrican First Army fron Is quiet. Down the line on the Thir Army' front American troops has cleared Maizieres 90 after per cent of embattle a montli-long house to-house battle. Allica fighters: that sector have carried out strafing attacks on German villages behin the lines. Bombers Hit.

Germany. American heavy bombers also wer out over Germany todas. More this 2700 Flying Fortresses, Liberator and fighters hit the German citic of Hamburg, Hamm and Munster AL the same British hear bombers, escorted by Spitfires, at tacked synthetic oil plants nin miles south of Cologne. Behind the lines: in. western El stonal General De.

Gaulle's provi government still 15 at logger hends with the national resistand council, about the government's de ciston to. disarm the patriotio mill tla of France, De Gaulle has fe Jected a protest by, the council ove the government's failure to consul it on the The measure is said to be directo at more 10,000 members of Ch Communist -dominated Militia" and some groups In' south western France who have refused" subordinate themselres to the FF or the regular army. IN. O. Cotton Mar.

May July I 2178. 2179. 2178: 2177 211 2182 2182. 2182. 2178 214 2157.

2160: 2157, 2157 215 2074: 2078 2074 :2076 201 2168 2100 2137: 2160. 214.

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