THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTORER 31, 1040 Phone your want-ads Keystone BROAD 5000 ad fih 37 vhone RITtenhouse 5000 Real Estate for Sale Used Automobiles Used Automobiles Used Automobiles Business Opportunities Farms for Sale MISCELLANEOUS Real Estate tor Sale CITY 2. 2552 SOMERSET ST A REAR 255.1 E. SELTZER. 2 houses on lot JO ft.xloo ft. Near Clamps Reduced lo $550 for the entire, Possession can be given rl once, koj office.
A. Itnmn, n7 W. Glmid. kensT'I'iry. iirn-r5Tr-way, h.w.
heat, liood condition. Good investment. $1475. Will arrange financing. Specials '39 Chevrolet Dlx.
Coupe, Htr. $475 39 Plymouth T. Sed, 4-dr. 515 '39 Nash Compt. Sedan, Htr 510 38 Pontiac 6, 4-dr.
Sedan 465 '38 Hudson 6ClubCoup, 475 '3FPlymouth4TdsTdn 32S '37 ChevroletMDeluxCoch 350 '3TFordor 85 Tudor. Radio 220 37 Buick 61 Sed. Rad. Ht7475 37 Terraplain 2-dr. Sed.
0Hlr7325 '36 Fordor 85 Tudor Dl. Htr 175 35Fordor 85 Tudor 145 35 Chevrolet DU. Coach.H.&R- 175 The Cleanest Cart in Town SUBURBAN BROOKLINE, $5(VMl Bungalow, oil gar. Excel, location. OTT.
Hilltop 55IH). HUYN ncwrsioiie house," 3-ly. Gar. Sue. at Ph. eves. IS AV completed. New single OOO All. 5 108. CHESTNUT ill I.L CREST.
Chellenham ave? A Mermaid Lane, tlrebaf Che. 11H9. WOODS: Single homes, old shade, hillside, curving drive. $kjoo. Kit 8338.
DEI A Monlii. Cos. Send for our free book let of homes. Kershaw A Raney.oi Long la. DEVONrsYnwie brick homes? $l99o7oid shade, oil lit.
Samples furnished. JRlt. 6991. DUEXEl. ilH.L.
New siiigie homes. $69'd to $s9i). 8K blockHarperave. Blvd. 297Q.
IOMES farms A In Munt'g. A Huck CosElkms Sheble Ogo. 3001 Ktkki.YN. MiKlern twin. Copper roof, 2-car garage.
Near fine transp. $4500. lffe riown.WmM.Kna I. Inc. 86.1.H.
Blvd. 41 K) LANSUtiWNE. new single home. 4 bedrms. S6750.
150 W. T7ANSD()WNE. Providence $8950. Det. llr.home,2 tile ht.SiddaJI.Cleajr.173.
LAN.SD)WNE7""Piovldence "r.1.7 $8950. Det'. betlr home .2 tile ht. Siddall, Clear 173 LLANERCH IHLLS Semi-detached. 7 rms.
Garage. $.3997: incl. settlement charges. 197 cash. 1 140 Harding Drv.
LI anerch Hi I Is AIN LINE. "Old i the former Baker estate), bordering Lancaster Pike, just beyond Bryn Mawr. Now offers new. centre hall homes at a new low price. $0990.
MELROSE PARK Opposite Ashbourne C. C. New. single. 2 br.ths.
Flood. Han. 2100. MERION. New distinctive English A Colo nial homes open for inspection every day at Howe Standish in Merion Park, just Meeting House lane.
Centre hall plan with den. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. 2-car garage rid air-conditioned. INSPECT THESE BEFORE YOU BUY BIDDLE N. HUNT Ardmore 4S00.
Cynwyd 4820. Trinity 44S0. MERION single homes, 3 A 4 bedrs. S10.250 up. F.E.
Caballero. Gre. 1804. OAKMONT, Paddock Farms. Homes built to order, S6490 up.
WEBB, Hilltop OVERBROOkThI LLS IN IERloN. 109 Bev erlv Place. 'Today's Best Buv under $10,000." Centre Hail. Modern Home, 4 Bed rooms, 3 Baths, Recreation Room. 2-car Garage.
Inspec tion bv appointment. CABALLERO. Gre. 1804 Cyn. 1804.
OVERBROOK HILLS. Trent Rd. New single homes. $7500 p. T.
1 1. Kclley. Bldr. ROSEMONT (Old Oaksi New home, oc- cupied 6 $7450. 2 Barley Cone Lane, RYDAL, Fair Acres, new Colonial homes.
T. W. Montague Jenkintown. Ogontz 760 STRAFFORD VILLAGE. Custom-built sin- gle homes.
$7300 up. Schifter. Wayne 2a39 UPLAND PARK: Haverford Township. Sin gle, air oil heat. 5.690.
Hilltop fitht.i. WESTGATK HILLS. ca-th. 16 telached sample homes in a highly re stricted communliv with 41 acres of beaut! ful park. All stone and brick construction.
Living room 3 large bedroom tile bath. 21 outstanding features Drive out TODAY. Out West Chester Pike. 3'i miles from 69th st. Built oy Warner-West Builders of Master Kraft Homes.
WILLOW BROOK. New single homes on Manoa Manou. only $26 83 per mo. COT Brick 2 baths. 2-car.
Barg. .) 'Person Jen in town. Ogo, 48 YKADON. $619(1. Single homes In" new community.
1 fare to city. Ijtrge lawns, every modern apointment including 3 bedrooms and breakfast room and den. HILLSIDE VILLAGE Chester A Scrnll Aes Yeadon Take trolley No. 13 out Chester Ave. direct to development.
YEADON. Exceptional value in new masonry, air-cond homes. Only $5290. $35 mo. carrying chge.
Sample. Fern st. A Bailey rri. YEADON. 700 Bullock ave.
Twins. 2 baths, oil burner. Franke, Mad. 9719. YEADON.
900 blk. Serrill $32.95 mo. Op. 2 to 9 P. M.
Taulane-Spiess. Wal. I860. 69TH ST. SECT7oN7Homes from mo? John H.
MrCIa chy stnut sts. $1'X) FULL price. SlSi cash. hal. $10 mo.
Garage A- 2 lots. Andalusia nr. City Line. Olenn. 1519 W.
ave. $25(1 cash. No settlement charges. New. 6 r.
A gar. Ridley Farms. Del Co Kin. 3(KK). PRICES bound to advance.
Consult: SWOPE Son. 516 Main St. Darby 442. MISCELLANEOUS FLORIDA WINTER HAVEN. 8-rm.
niu.w. gas. elec, city wetcr. lake Fruit garden, lot 300x75. Cost Now bargain, $50tM).
A. Bordas. 635 E. DuPont St. Rox.
0773. MARYLAND KENTMORE PARK on Sassafras River: Lots, cottages A acreage tracts. Spec, montlilv terms. $10. Route No.
213 to Locust Grove, then Kentmore rd. to River. See Mr. Mitchell. BUILDING LOTS SUBURBAN WK are now offering a very unusual selec tion of building sites in the Old York Road Suburbs.
We tan give you helpful advice in planning vour new home. too. Kuhn A Umery. 5th A Rockland. 2638.
REAL ESTATE WANTED WILL pav $50 to $200 for deed to prop. Sub. to 1st ntge Weiss. 14-11 Howell. Del.
25.31. CASH for houses, anv section or condition. Barg. oniy. Rudolph.
6607 Ogontz.Wav.069. IMMEDIATE cash for Phila. properties Sec me at once. FI. C.
Little. 3139 N. 13th. WE have cash buyers for real estate and de faulted mortgages. Prager.
3.) s. lnth st. SELL vour Northeast It. E. in 30 dav.
)S A SEESE, 72 11 Fkd. a v. May. 3P REAL Estate A mortgages bought for cash. TIOGA RF.ALTY 17th A
CAN Sell vour house in 3 vvecHs. Carl F. W. I lilt, mst g. 5454.
LADY will buv one or few small investment hses. under $9Ql). D-361. Inquirer, I TAKE over props. A pay" $50 to $100 for deed subi.
to 1 mtg. D-359 Jnqulrer. WE CAN rent or sell your property if priced right. Stokes. 305 S.
52d sL All. 1127. Farms for Sale PENNSYLVANIA REASONABLE. 11 A. on stone road.
7-rm. eiec, fireplace, artesian water, barn, hen houses, $3300. HAPP A SONS. Realtors, Doylestown. Pa.
Ph. 432 1. COUNTRY store, brick $6500 plus inventory. Arlington Myers, Doylestown. 12 AC.
Main id. Stream A wtrnds. 6 r. stone gas A elec barn. 2 chic.
hses. $4,300. Ltnderman 15 K. Airy Norrtstown, 2 ACH F.S? sTone house, tlrepiaee and tteam ceilings. Price 91351).
only down. W. 18 ACRES 7 rm. stone house, wols. $3700.
John S. Mason. North Wales. 3 ACRKS. S-rm.
stone house, tenant J7000. Mathieu. 3)1 Swede. Norristown 1 A. 6 or 536 mon rm.
cash, BARNESS. Warrington. 154 2 houses, modern convs. Barns. Wynne James, Doylestown.
OLD mill for remodeling into home. 25 mi. city, 3-150(1. VV. R.
F'inney, Southampton. BUCKS stone hse. mod. dairv barn, st rranS50.0(iO. Pidco*ck.
Nevv Hope. FOR up-to-the-minute F'arm Listings see J. Ca rro 1 1 JVI oH oy Doylestown. Ph -H MS4 7 ACRE. 6-rm.
brick house, barn, poultry $29(AK G. HWalkcr. Broad. Hattlelri. 13 ACI1KS.
10-rm. stone Coi. Wooria. stream, oul bldgs. Corrman.Fntoenixville.
LOVFU.Y stone 7-rm. cottage. SSoi'T-Nlich- ncl rye. 351 Main FARMS, country homes and estates. A Hohensack.
Doylestown, Pa. Ph. 4226. 23 6-rm. line convs.
Other $50tAt. I KINNF.Y. I.anglitirne. OLD atone houses, ail size farms, acreage. Yoik Roat1 Roai FTstale Lahaska, I'a.
1 8-rm. house. imltrv houses, near station. $33(i(iArthur H. MasonBethayrs.
16 A. Old st convs. Berries, fruit. S95O0. C.
M. Smith, Somerton. Ph. 8089. ftir gottil farms ixturiTry estate.
yH.Molloy,lvylajTd.Hatbro 37(j. 20 imrntvi -out -home to Ik restored. tint location. J. Swingle.
La nsdovvne. 70 ACRES, ll-llil slone bouse, good section. Reeder Agency. Newiown. Pa.
25 ACRES. 6-rm. house, bain, chicken hse. $35iiO. FX ere' J.
Honlx-r. Dttwningtow n. 35 AC farm. 7-tm. house, nr.
i iolmev ille. $23(10. Settle est. 20 18 Master. Pop.
4291 NEW JERSEY 61 ACHKS of peaches, 6-rm. bungalow. barn. Needs some repairs. $254 K.
$5iki cash. B. 1 It iR BI A Atf yjJHW. 5 ACRES. Milmay.
$1 vvkiy. Gilbert A O' Cal- la man, 70.3 SMALL country places A large farms. K. A. PetUt, 706 Cedar Pitman.
Phone 63.8. J. 2 Used Automobiles '37 Buick "295 r.rJ365 '37 Buick s4. Dr. $345 311 '36 Olds Rail Meatfr $225 312 C3V3 '33 Plymouths.Br$215 cAs '36 Dodge c.H SI80 for Car by Number MOW MI.TiTf.T TII4 HU Oldsmoblle luh Coune.
I.Ike new. 5495 345 C'herTolet 5-pass. Sedan perf. rnnd. 50 OTHERS IN STOCK CHEVROLETS 1940 Master del.
5-pass Sedan, like new in everv respect. See it 1939 Master del. 4-dr. Trunk Sedan, had excellent care by its owner $575 1935 5-pass. Sedan.
Special today $160 65 Other Outstanding Values at WOLFINGTON'S Phila. 'i Laigest DeSolo-Plymouth Denlers. "NEW USED CAR ANNEX" 30Jhestnu St. Open Eves. CHEVROLETS.
good cars that need a little fixing at verv low prices of Mr. V0 WILLARO CHEVROLET. 7000 Frank-ford ave. 41.T1 Franktord ave. CHEVROLET lt9 town seilan.
Push button radio. New oversize tires. A-l paint. Mechanicallv One. No dealers.
Sacrifice. Mr. obi nson OS N. 2d st i t. 1 9 1 CHEVROLET 19M9.
deiuve tovvn sed.m, special. S1H.V, also 4-dr. deluxe sedan, $fXl. I BSON CH EVROLET. 5224 Baltimore ave.
CHEVROLET '32 Red. Chev. '34 sed. .575. Dodge '33 sed.
$75. Gar. 1930 N. 12th. Ste.
444H. CHEV. "40 special Dejuxe trk. S.Tfin; 38 '37 DeL: trk 5285. 45 dn.
Garage. 20th Oxford sts CHEV. "34 Coupe, excellent condition, nothing down. $2.15 w-klv. Goldner Packard, 127 W.
Chelten Ave. Op. Sun. Eve. CHE'.
'38 Master deluxe 4-dr. trk. sedan, heater, low mileage. 1 owner. Bargain.
Dennis Chev 4500 Woodland ave. Op. eve. CHRYSLER '39 Royal. cvi.
Brougham. Trade your exactly like new. rM miles. old car finance balance. Quaker Chrysler 4233 FRANKFOP.D AVE.
OPEN EVES. CHRYSLER Airflow 1937. Only $203. Like tew. Any terms.
Quaker Chrysler 4233 FRANKFORD AVE. OPEN EVES. CHRYSLER '37 deluxe 6 AP-cyl. trk. sdns.
with radios. A-l 5295, 575 on. uuar. Reliable Pontiac. 245 N.
Broad st. CHRYSLER '39 Windsor S565. S150 dn. Tms. Babbitt DeSoto.
29th Cleartieio. CHRYSLER '39 6 4-dr. radio, htr. JONES CHRYSLER. S33Q N.
Broad St. CHRYSLER 1936 Royal trk. sed. Excel. cond.
1 93j $ti0d n.75 others rel uced.l4Q9 N.tiroaa CHRYSLER. ''M. 4-dr trunk sdn. $245. JONES PLYMOUTH.
In. Broad. op. vs. CHRYSLER '37 4-dr.
trunk sedan, buv in town. S195, Getz. 4226 biggest Broad. DE SOTO 1939 Custom Sedan. Black.
Overdrive transmission. Radio, heater. Very low mileage. A $1200 car; our price to you, $5'. 15.
BRYANT 62nd LANCASTER AVE. DE SOTO Sportsman Sedan, 2-tone green, heater. w. w. tires.
bumper seat covers. Official's car. Save 1940 Radio. fuards. K).
BRYANT LANCASTER t2nd AVE. OF. SOTO. 1S8 4-dr. deluxe sedan.
Radio A heater, practically new. See to appreciate, $325. Will trade A fin. 134 N. DE SOTO 1936 custom sed.
Radio, heater. Overdrive. $225. cash. Hudson.
2916 Diamond. DE SOTO '37 del. tr. sedan. $2S3 full price, $70 down.
Buy and save at 14Q9 N. Broad. DE SOTO 38 4-dr. De L. sed.
Rad. $465. S1QQ n. Hendri Lot. Gtn.
Hunting Pork DE SOTO '37 4-dr. DeL. sed. $265. $10 dn7 Bal.18 mos Hendri Lot.Gtn.A Hunting Park DE SOTO '40 brougham, 4000 miles, save S.300.
Hendri. 4718 N. Bmad. DODGE 1939 4-dr. Special DeLuxe Sedan.
Black, red trim. Heater. Very low mileage. At the unheard-of price of $545. BRYANT 62nd A LANCASTER AVE IX 40 4 -d del.
sedan. Executive's Perf. cond. Will deliver A title, $750. fR d.t- factory guar.
Heine! Motors. 4240 N. Broad. 0en evenlngs: DODv-iE '34 deluxe 4-dr. setian.
Only $95. Nothing dn. Goldner Packard. 127 W. Chelten Ave.
Gen Eves $395, $101 down. like new. IS months to pay. Babbitt De Soto. 29th A Clearfield sts.
IX)DGE, '40 Opera coupe. $165 bal. 24 mos Gardner Dodge-Plym. 704 Garrett rd. DODGE.
$485. '39 Deluxe, radio. Fine condition. Private. Baring 2524.
DODGE '34 A '33 deluxe sedan, good condition. S20 down. $3 week. 2807 N. 5th St.
fXlDGE 'Ml custom setian. trunk, extras. 395. $125 dn. Getz Motors.
4226 N. BroadL '38 deluxe 4-dr. trk. win. $387.
Tms. podge Dealer. 56th A Chestnut. Op. ev "39 DeLuxe 2-dr.
tour. $515. Holly- wood-Dxlge-Plymouth, 109 W. Chelten av. DODGE '36 4-dr.
sed. $25. Bal. $5 wk. Hen dri De Soto.4718 N.
Broad. IX DO 36-4 GOO COND. $195 Fall Olds. .32 W. Highland av.
Che. 4966. DODGE '36. louring sedan, looks A runs like new. $5 down.
$3 wk 4334 Hroad. DODGE, '36. 4-dr. trk. rad.
htr. $275. SPECK CADILLAC. 65Q1 Market. Op.
eves. DODGE 4-dr. De L. sed $445. $100 dn.
Bal. 18 mos.Hendri Lot.Gtn.A Hunting Park FORD '36 SEDAN A very clean car. Don't miss $175 FULL PRICE 49JO N. Broad St. PolitJ '40 Conv.
Club Coupe. Driven only wki'J miles. New car appearance. $615. Call Sag.
770O for demo, and terms'. Packard -Philadelph la. 322.3 N. llroad St FORD '35 trunk setian. good cond nothing dn $3 45 wkly.
Goldner Packard. 127 W. Chelten Ave. Open Eves KOKDS. tudors A fordor sedans.
1939. Original paint, guaranteed. EKW'IN CHEVROLET. A Olney a v. tipen eves.
LIV. 3111. FORI '38. 60 11. 2 dr.
$295 Ford '36 4-dr. sdn $195 BARB ER FORD. 9734 Bustleton Ave. iR D'35 club conv. coupe, new tires A top, $195, $5 $3 wkly.
6538 N. Broad at 66th. Liv. 3111. FORD '39 Conv.
Coupe. Radio, extras, $.395. $95 dn. Getz 4226 N. Broad FORDS, '38, '37.
'36 A '35. Large selection, reduced prices. Century Ford. 5645 Walnut. FORD '37 2-dr.
trk. sed. $25 bal. $5 wk. Hendri.
4718 N. Broad. FORD "'38 2-dr. sed. $.325.
$25 dn. Bal $5 wk. 1 lend ri Lot. tn. A Hunti ng Pa FORD.
'37 DeLuxe conv. coui. $285. Hollywood Dodge-Plymouth. 171 W.
Chelten ave. F(5RD-'37 conv. cyie. 185 1. Nevv top A tires.
$2'5. Jacobs Willys, 4215 N. Broad St. FORD deluxe like new. $125.
See Jack Horter. Keeley .3322 N. Broad. FOR It 1 irtlor 85 "verv" low ml. PvL Sac.
l'123Fmilkrodst. FORD, $5 dn. $2- $3 wk. 15th b. Snyder.
Ful. 2244 Ford DeLuxe Fordor Bargain Fa 1 1 Olds, 32 W. Hi ghland av. Che. 4966.
FORD 38. fordor. low ml. Sacrifice $395. Tms.
Fall Olds. 32 W. Highland ave. FORD, 1937. fordor sedan, radio? $2fi)7 Herb Byrne.
4848 Chestnut tt. '39Pontiac 8DUr535j '39 Stude. S495J '39 0 Ids 495 1 cgs'38 Chry'r sl' 365 1 A st A I Statin COAC I 306 'g aTUoe. Htr jaaa '37 Stude. 295l 314 BARGAIN FARMS.
RKk-boltom prices. many States- bla catalog free 8TROUT REALTY. 255-BH 1th N. Y. City.
Farms for Rent PENNSYLVANIA ROSE TREE. Cottage. 4 2 baths. $.. LOC.
ft. Suit, for It. mfg, Bar 3773. Real Estate for Rent CITY W. OAK LANE.
7509 Beverly rd. $55 New. Rec. oil burner, 3 hedrm Bauer. 2126 Cheltenham ve Wav.
5211. 1 23 N. LA lON7nc hntina, 1st class condition, about 6 rms A ba h. Rent a 1 18. einlia rdt.
Dew. iM X) N. PALET HORP. 6 r.i.imsT'rch'. renov.
thruout. $.30. Bohrer. 3114 N. Front.
ST. LUKES ST.t 1526. 5 bath, new htr. at cor. Loc.
7191. CUMBERLAND 1123 VV. 7 rs. A baTh. good heater.
Good cond. $30. Baldwin 3900. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FLOOR. 1ST AB.
D-335 Inquirer. COR. 4259 Main St. 20x100. $25.
Goldstein. 2246 N. 29th st. Ste. 4252.
FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES 242.000 SQ. FT. clear sprlnk. fl. space on 9 fls.
Sce Mr. Sidewater. Imperial Woolen Mills. Rector A Main, Manayunk. Man.
3684. 32,000 FT. 3-stv. 15c sq. Daylite floor, $60 mo.
Incl. heat A watchman. Jordan. Beury Bldg. Sag.
0264. N. 7sj0 sq. ft. PientvTiight.
side lots, $4Q. iller Real ty Orthtxlox A Thompson. 40.000 SQ. FT. WILL DIVIDE.
DEW. 678Q. CHESTER D. ROTTNER A Finance rents A seils factories. P.iL34S2 OFFICES AND DESK SPACE RUSH 13 to 19 N.
13th. Space avail. in this from 92 sq. ft. to 1326.
Will make alterations to suit tenant. Reas. rent. Monthly or yearly lease. Apply Room 308.
CROZER 342dhest7nut sL Privaie furn. offices, telephone and secretarial service. Large units available. Rittenhouse 5fM WILFORD A Arch, des. pvt.
A semi-pvt. offices, with phone service: also storage space A free parking. Eve. 04OO. 1524 Chestnut st.
Modern offices in central city building. Ail sizes. up. 207. ESTAB.
Professional office. Reas. rent. Good hn sect. Kensington.
Neb. T'ENkIelD 1328 Chestnut; lies. moilerate-priced daylight ofrices. Km. 609.
WEST PHILADELPHIA CHESTNUT. 4916. mod. 9 2 baths. hwdw.
h. w. conv. neighborhood, perf. cond.
$55 mo. Taylor A Son, 27 S. 4oth st. WILL Rent 3-famlly apt. house, best section W.
Phila thoroughly modern. Income lO. rent $75 Pen. (4-185. LOTUS RD.
6H.30. Cottage type. 6-rm $4n. Penn M. Mooney.
65o3 Lebanon. 203 N. 50TH. 7 rooms A bath. Convenient.
Modern. $35. Call Ail. 6692. 1238 N.
65TH. 6 bath. gar. Central ht. H.W.
Quirk A S.4Qth 6447 MORRIS PARK, being fully renov. 6 rrns bat h. WORRELL. Greenwood 40Q0. OVERBROOK.
Newly renov. 6 bath. central heat. $o0. Others.
TRIruty S20U. 69TH STREET SECTION $.33.50 UP. 1 fare City. 2 A 3 gir. $36.
i excel, cona. $38.50. 3 several types. $10, twin homes; 3 bedrms. $18.50 on Main 3 gitr.
$ti. Aldan: new single .3 bedrms oil heat. Main Line, $5t); 3 twin gar. W. S.
69th. A Welnut, UpierDarhy Blvd. 48O0. Ail. 38QQ.
Semi-detached. 3 bedrooms, garage, yard. HURLEY. Blvd. 25O0.
BUSINESS PROPERTIES :22 K. HAINES store A 3 rms. A. bath, suit any business, $-10 mo. incl.
heat- WEST OAK LANE 7002 CEDAR PARK completely renovated. 6 large col'd. tile bath, gar. Reasons hie. Priestman-Helmetag.
Vic Stioo. 6 rooms, stall shower, recreation room, oil heat, garage. Call A. D. P.dttner, Liv.
0377 after 1 P. M. SUBURBAN BALA. Best value on Main Line. Det.
res. with 3 bed. A bath, bkfst. room. gar $60.00.
Campbell, Trinity 1410. Cynwyd 46QO. BALA-nOId Fashioned" 5 CAMPBELL. Tn.1410; Cyn.46(ST. BRYN A VV K.
$50. 6 r. A reconditioned. KDWAR DAVIS. A rd I JO Bristol Rd modermze.1 slnne farm house.
6 hath, garage. 1-3 acre. JCiJrWSrTK CYNWYD. Exceptionally attractive suburban property. Large modern stone house with '-a-acre beautifully landscaped.
Condition excellent. .350 Llandrilto. rd. MAIN Attractive rentals, $73 to WILLIAM PUGH Cynwyd 3500 MERION 515 Prescott rd. Stone house.
cent. hall. 3 2 batns. main rm. A bath, oil ht.
Immed. poss $1110 mo. HARRIS A BUNTING Cynwyd 2t26 Menori Gre. 22 "1 OAKMONT. brick single.
Excel, cond. a brs. 2-car car. $6Q. Sloan A Lynch.
Hilitop 3o5. ETt DARBY n7ar terminal. 4 bedrm. home with gar. $60.
.1. C. Taylor. Gra. 177Q.
DARBY, 6 newly renov nr. Stonehurst Theatre, $35. Ard. 522. KO't-selected Main Line homes, apartment and estates from $50 to $300 per month.
NASH REALTY CO. Wynnewood. Gre. 2494. Narberth.
Trl. 6242. 4-RM. Apartment, everything included, $45v "Rossiter," Realtor, Lar.ghorne, Pa. OFFICES AND DESK SPACE WAYNE, daviight offices, central location.
J. M. Fron'e field. Phone 1500 Wayne. REAL ESTATE WANTED WTD.
Garage mond or vie, Inquirer. 4tx4() Del. ft. Frankford, River bridge. Rich-E-35S Apartments CITY ALLEGHENY.
110. 2d-fl. front 2 balh pullman kit. Adult. Fkthtel.
GIRARD. 35113 warm bth. new ly renov. Oil ht. Adults.
2d floor. GIRARD. 1927-29. Ansonia. 2 bth.
$28 Fasy. 1712 Girard. Ste. 4444. GREEN 2219.
Beaut, fur. 3 A 4 rms pvt. oil gas, elec. Nr. pkwy.
HASTINGS. 121317 S. Broad st. vf.yiem. 5 rooms A bath.
$50. Wm. H. W. QUICK A 8 S.
4)th Street EVE. 2-6. LOCUST 1314. 1 room bachelor apt no cooking, tile extra lge of sunshine A air. $45.
Phone Ten. 6t5. SPRUCE? 1414 RIcTTelieu. 1 r.m. ba'rT" kitchen.
$38 month. Living room. bedro-m. kitchen, hath. $50 mo.
of ice. Km. 9777. SPRUCE. 2 rms.
Pullman kit? 1st fl. Oil heat. Conl. h. w.
Reas. 1st door. 4 hath. Burden. 2d A -3d (Irs.
4 rms. A h. ail nev ST. at 1 6th. Olten irt-h.
liv rm din. kitchen. 2 bedrms $47 50. Pritchard A 2i t4 N. 3 oil only Light janitor duties.
Mr. Leon. Mar. 3113. 5TH.N..
Blk. 4 rooms, bath. $.2 ttJ per mo. Riegel. Rad.
6ii4. N. Mod. id htlwrt? firs. oil heat, h.w., refng.
$34. Fre. 234Q. itiTH. N.
of Columbia. 4 rooms, pvt. batfu h. w. ht.
4oil. 3d fl. for all. Rad. 7272.
16TH. 1111. 3-rm A pvt. bath apts. or unf.
F'verything incl. Reas. pop. unf. 2 rms t.Te F'rig.
Newly renov. Oil ht. Ste. 2.4-fflTl'l Newly except lon- ally bright sun porch, "liv. dm.
den. 2 hath, all elec. $6Q. Pritchard A Robmhold. Vie.
5Q5Q. TOW HOUSE 19TH A sprucf; Allractlve livingrom with ln- Unr bed. kilchcn. tluictte. bath, lover; $15 IncltHlIng utilities.
PARAMOUNT 1)UHT, 2116 W. 2 A 3 rms A bath. gas Inc. from $35. Complete furn.
apt. Maid scr. Continued on Next Page Real Estate for Sale INVKSTMKNT. twin home. 6 r.
A on earri side all conveniences. $2443 for both s-des for quick sale. P. I. Lsmoreaux.
511 White Horse Haddon Hts BUNGAI.ciW, A $i5() down. 22 mo. F'ull price $15O0. Open Sundav. Berwick.
Short hour. Mod kj jip. Sea's 12. k. Trial.
Rent i- ar'meni. Rest buv in town, CO il N. JUNIPER ST. I- N'clt'f i jNKTTL. nr Bnil.
cm shop. i SiN'i fun dn more. Mod. 90 Bnnr. for veiling at interview, 'VVi rnv A I.N IT ST.
1 "'NCi; r.r.NETTE-Fount ain ail eva.p. SIN-i wc-v, rn DaIV. 1 i W. CIRARD AV. I ETT busy 5'Jrp R'-t $12.
Sacrifice. 1 VM girard AVK. jfifUHiS desirou ccnttaet order. T-369 nee. equip.
wk. $1100 (k k. 5 th. RANT, factory we. In KmnnCon, (Tfr retiring.
$124 to. Others. DaIN 1 (33 GIHARI) M'E. i Yav must sell. $450.
No wore. K'VM EU J.22t)2 N.Uth.Ste.yili t-x Al 71ANT ifor sale, good ioe. Cull Cm. lyTT Jo A 3 P. M.
and A 10 P. M. I- ifTl STT. nit 12 both, tables. N.
Broad iurich. sea food. Fine bun. clears $75 v. Trrs.
to suit. 5223 Baltimore ave. MING A boarding, large student house. EeatJ. H-29 inquirer.
SANDW ICH SHOPPE, Italian Submarine; etoc b-is. Unable to attend 5334 Chestnut. I fHOS EPAIP.ING. opportL Tiilv $223. ow-wr e-ter" 7 P.
M. in center of city: good For information, 1941 S. nth st. TaIIXiK ivhop fullv equipped, owner must tell irrt, illness. 6110 Market St.
7 a JcM. Gtn. Newly seating cap. "l50, ne iiv. quarters.
S5000. Others. DAIN. 1333 V. GIRARD AVE.
ACPM Ardmore. 107 County Line Rd. SlrX). Others. Gratz.Blv(i.39n.
TaPROjM for saie. estab. bare, for c-qioSc aie. For inform. Call Pop.
ru suburb, ideal cor. Widow Also others. BLAU 142Q Cbest nat. rAPP.V N. Broad Select clientele.
SoOO m-K Price MiW. H. P. Sharp. 215 S.
QUANTITY, i lNQl'IRER- EN Macv New Ar used supp'd. js. Northwestern. Tms. RAKE.
5 THIS IS THE RIGHT TIME 7-i art INTO THE PROFITABLE VENDING MACHINE BUSINESS. We you. locations, exclusive machines, free re-pai pervioe. insurance aeainst theft. Wkly.
i-vcone ape. Part time, more for full S-rtail Irveyt. Secured. T-372 Inquirer. MANAGER WANTED T.Iino manufacturer wants reliable party to ancle business in Phila.
A- vicinity. lm-GtATe injmf should eveed 'f K) monthly. inestmen; $1J0 to $'5J(j. P.ef. Iti- ijuirer INVESTMENT.
Ituililer with mill w-k A turd has option on ground Jot houw Nmli partner with $1 KM I Sju may hold title. Kels. v-h -S cvp Intjiiirer. JIM ta7T.E interest in Koiiijj chemical rr 'e. operating.
Man of execute bilitv reo. Must be cap. to act as "Write quai. rels. C-315 Jn- i-i-er Sei; Ycr Business Cuicklv Anywhere DA'N SALES ORG.
JTti v. CTRARD AVE. -STE. ENT-'i l'T 5- Invest in spare time business jt nsk. If drilled we buy back thi T-o' -s' A few hours work will earn v-.
k. Nc seUmg. Inquirer. Vur Business Quickly Anywhere DA'NI SALES ORb. GI ARP AV E.
STE YOU wTr.t to sell? Anv type business, isrre or small. Can you use a partner with i-Tcettrert? Phone write call. Native! Brerar. 14.V) Race Loc. 6T77.
5 ALE FiTjr feed mill. 50-bbl. Marvil. Buckwheat mill, commeal aV Further rictjils on request. Chest Pfrirt Chest Springs.
FOX Bl.Dr; lfla Market. Lor. 47'tl ofTice. wjuipped. pround floor, pit.
ertr. P.earable rer.t. S. E. Cor.
5Sth A- Ws r.u! St FpTnKFGRO Gr'M-. Fx-I. doing -V) ui j.ias st.xk. will staml InvestlgH-t or. rtasor.
f.r B-P1 Inquirer FOPWOMEN ONLY T.a-! tin to J0 wk. Few hrs spare time. JC i ng Sma II vest. -2BI nq uirer. "I FOR A SOUND BUSINESS at a safe investment, consult KOCH.
'J217 N. BROAD ST -CBrrARY ait treasurer for estab. -nil lrveat P.O. Box 3glLStatjonC. Jjhila.
-fr busirwss sold quick Iv. Clients wait-ng HACKENBL RG. 4WK N. Broad t. 1S1 EEER LICENSE CALL MAY.
124 WANTED WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS ANY TYPF. ANYWHERE RONT 11 N. JUNIPER ST. I OC pru-e paid for slock flx-tistes of ai! description. Lester.
68 N. 2d sL al. tW A SHO P.Tpair shop. Estab, state particulars "to Silverman 5,4 South St. 1 i i ash price for vour sum Sc fixls.
2d St. 77. She. P241.
V'-r-iS. 6 "CASli FOR STOCK FIXTURES vje-re. 21 N. 2d. Market 3T5 BAKtP.Y wtd.
or ore Phone Neb. 2firt" xl l'ication to open LGHES" r.h prices for stocks fixtures. 49 1 fnh t.Mlc.95S7.Mar.ilW7 FTtA'K. and Qui -k ser ice. anv Samev N.
immwl, cash rth. Lom.Hii32 V. ILL buv insurance business with or v. ith-oat se'-. ices of owner.
R-245 Inquirer. V---: fixtures business, bought for ra Katkey A Kahn.ZS Cutrharlirlt. OUTS, machinery equip, supplies, che-mean. K.Fort 222 N.Amenran. 5Trv-K fix' any bus.
Jar. 743 S. 1 st. Gra. 3756.
sh at once. Market 1SOS. Used Automobiles BUiCK 1939 $565 T'eciai 4-door Trunk Sedan. P.a( ii-irwl pnoed inn under mirket. SHORE BROS.
Ol BPOAD OPEN EVENINGS Soeiial Sedan, anar- iike Special price for today. $.. 1 errns Ju ruit- Quaker Chrysler ft AN FOR A I 'KM Hun "4rt 4i S. Club liwiue. W.
W. Tires iti3iu Healer Equipped BERRY-BUICK N. Broad Open Even! 2S BV CKS. "39 sedans, built-, trunks, $545. S125 '39 cor.v club coupe, radio, hes'-er.
eeis. $e5. $165 dn. '38 trunk sedan, Ge'Z Mtr 42-'6 N. Broad.
BVTK '36 Coupe Small 8, nothing dn. $4.95 wkly Golctrer Packard. 127 W. Chelten Av, Open Eves sedan, radio, heater. Bargain; a -o sedan, on'v Goldner Packard, 3 2" CneS-e-i Ave Open Eves.
small 4-dr. trk. sdn. One owner. E'-TLER BUICK.
Jen intmvn. a jJ r.HAi. FVICKS, '3--39 cp coaches, prices tf- suit. Guar -ms. 6IU1 Mat ket st RL trunk edan, a verv cheap rs r.
525 $5dn Jet at. N. Jlroad. FTicK ALWAYS LOWEST IN PRICE. AT H.KIE.
Vl N. lUiOAj) 1CK. '38 ml. $515 NES CHRYSLER. H.3.3Q Broad.
Op eves alt velt "nvilels. See West Phila. EunKi. Ches'nut at 47th st. Gra.
Bl'ICK '40 "Super. 2-tone w. $5. Erie Motor Mart. 39QQ Kens.
av. BUICK WSW. SMALL 4-DR. $585. R.
"PERF. "TMS. 4304 PAUL ST. 1'ICK '3C 4 dr. radio, many extras.
Kali Olds. 3J yy itigniano av. fi '37 81-4 -dr! Touring Sed'a Anrsrtiv paint scheme. W. S.
W. tire. crllert condition. $595. Call Sag.
77i 1 o- demonstration and terms. PAC 3223 N. Broad St. 'TV. '37 4-dr.
Master trk sedan. 22 'Kl -iiU raljo, etc. 1 owner. Bargain. DEN NIS 4 Woodland Op.
jrvi. CHEV 'IK I L. Bus Couie. Radio A Heater. n5 dn, Bui, 18 m.
Hendri 1e Soto tx Girt. A Hunting Park Ave. IKV? 'anin." Floetransp. full price. Hr re viair tK a drive It awav.
T'iiPi! F. tLFS. 4vVl N. Broad. Open eves.
CHEV. '-37 town $255. $65 A-l cond. Tms Ba bbtt IeSoto. 29th A Clearfield sts C'KEV.
J1 6 wneeis, 5o. $3 $3 mo. (parage. 2761 Kensington ave HEV IXvb master deluxe sedan. $175.
help ance. Garage. .4 N. 16th St. CHEV.
'37 sdn biark utihol. tires $395 SPECK CADILLAC. 60OI Market.Op.eves. CHEVROLETS. IffiS i6 (Taxi).
$265. Ga rage, 31st A Dauphin sts. Fre. PK33. CHEV.
'31 2-dr. new tires, gooc run- car. $4 -lf 1 lpr ar. 2315 11 1 HEV- Master de luxe trk. coach.
A- IMS. dn. Reliable, 245 N. Broad. 3S troupe" RS, heater, radio.
1 tow, bargain. 4500 Woodland av. i PEV Nomonev dn. New plan low as $1.42 vk. O.K.
guar Girard Vine i HEV Master 2 -Sir. sdn. vrss-ond. Rc XUJ Kensington. Oien rt.V.
'3 2-lr Master tmnK --sian, 1 rr. bargain. IVnnts. 4M VV ixxllantl av. 4-1rtrk sun libit 1 owner, 1 he r-w.
Dennis Chev.tMKl Wotwllantl av CHTA '35 2-dr Excel, full pine $195 Btt Chev Wayne A Chelten ave. i iF -12 $5 $7 tags vnr! Harden Mtrs -VCr) N. Broad st. CHFV. 40 -dr trk.
sdn radio. Save Dennis 45(iO W'xtland ve. 1 34 iunv Kify 1 1 1 1 II ACCENT ON SATISFACTION A TRUSTWORTHY HOUSE" '40 DeSoto Delux Sedan S595 '39 Pontiac 4-dr. Trk. Sedan S565 '39 Plymouth Convertible Cpe.
S575 '38 Buick Small Sedan S425 '38 Dodge Del. But. Coupe $365 '36 Dodge 4-dr. Trunk Sedan $225 '37 Graham 4-dr. Sedan $263 '36 DeSoto Sedan $266 '36 Ford Sedan $165 '38 Plymouth Del.
4-dr. Sedan $365 '37 Chev. 4-dr. Trunk Sedan S395 '36 Nash Sedan -J 1 85 35 Ford Sedan $95 Many hav Radio and Heater -ft GOODWIN'S 913 RIDGE AVE. CADIIXAC '39 special "60" 4-dr.
trk. sed. Radio, w.w. tires. No running boards.
black. Cost $2400. Now $1075. Little used. One owner car.
OLDS '38 2-dr. trk. very attractive color. Wonderful care. S395.
90-day written guar. $5Q down, balance 2 yrs. to pay. CHEV. '38 2-dr.
trunk sed. Fully equipped. Must see to appreciate condition. Can be bought lor $395. 90-day written guarantee.
TERRAPLANE "33 6-cyl. sedan. Excellent mech. condition. Good paint and tires.
$295. Bl'ICKS. '37. all models, all body stvles. Fully equipped.
5375. All fully guaranteed. PACKARDS. "38 4-dr. trunk sedan.
Fully equipped. Elegant cond. Y'our choice. $475. LASAI I.R '37 4-dr.
trk. sed. Fully equipped. Exc clean cond. 90-day guarantee.
$125. PLY. '38 deluxe 4-dr. tr. sedan.
Equipped. Jet black finish. 4 new tires. Little mileage. Full 90-dnv guarantee.
Only weeks old. Big saving. IO Buick Super Convl. Ciie. Automat ic top Mo Buick Super 51 Torpedo AIL SS05 IO Buick Small 4-dr.
Sedan $795 '40 Olds Torpedo Sedan, 140O ml. Save in linil Couvt. touie. Automatic top. Mo Stude President.
K.AH. Overdrive. 40 Stude. Comm. "6" Sed.
Run 45 miles. '40 Zephyr Sedan, almost brand new. $985 '4il Packard 6 Trk. Sed. Almost new.
$695 '10 Chev. Del. Trk. Sed. A 5-pas.
Coupe 10 Olds. 6 Trunk Sedan. Almost new. 40 Mercury Sedan. Almost new.
$U75 '39 Cadillac Siiec. 60 Sport Sedan. Stave NK. '39 Bull Small Trk. Sedan A Coupe.
$565 '31 Packard Opera Coupe. Sacrifice. $565 '39 D.dge Sednn, radio A heater. 1i5 38 Cadillac Spec. 6) Sot.
r. A h. $7 45 '38 Buick Small Trunk Sedan A $165 '38 Packard 6 Trunk 4-door Sec'nn. $165 '38 Stude Comm. 6 Trk.
Sedan. R.A H. $395 '37 Packard 7-passcnger Sedan, clean, $595 '37 Olds. 6 Trk. 4-dr.
Sedan A Coupe. $325 '37 Pontiac 6-cyl. Business Coupe. $295 37 Buick Small Trunk Sedan, r. A $365 37 Plymouth Del.
Coupe. Extra clean. $245 37 Dodge 4-dr. Trunk Sedan. $295 36 Cord Westchester Sport Sedan.
$395 '36 Dodge Business Coupe. Only $195 36 Olds. 6 4-door Trunk Sedan. $315 '35 Packard 120 Trunk Sedan $245 '34 Buick 4-dr. Sedan.
Very clean. Only $165 "33 Pontiac 4-door Sedan: clean. $113 SHORE 1225 CHESTNUT ST. 25 BARGAINS $25 uo. Hollywood Dodge Plymouth.
171 W. Chelten av. ictor 6.MJ1. COMMERCIAL. CARS A.
TRUCKS CHEVROLET 1935. i TON PANEL TRUCK. PI ION OOONTZ 2909. CHEV. '37 l'n-ton stake body, perf.
$250. Tms. Kelly Auto. 2534 N. Broad st.
CHEV. 12' factory stake body, like new. $195. terms. 750 S.
42d st CHEV. "39. U-tag. 10-ply rubber, coal body. Reas.
1746 N. 15th. Ste. 60411. DODGE '38 'i-TUN PANELS Reflnished, reconditioned.
A guaranteed, price greatlv reduced for quick sale. THORNTON FULLER CO, 24 HI A SOUTH STS. SPRUCE 636S FORD '37 rack hotly. Fold '37 chassis, very clean. Mack EH tractors, others.
Terms. K.Yoi k. Reg. 2777. FORD i933-3ti-37 Sedan'Deliv Series.
All Re-cond. A tluar. $275 un. low as S5 tlown. Anders A Jervis 678 A 1515 N.
Broad. FORDS. for Hucksters. l'i-lon. $2.50 wkly.
Biddies. 7571 Ridge ave. FORD '37 sed. delivery, exc. cond.
SucrilUe $190. Mar. 3476. 523 2nd St. FORD" H-ton Panels.
$193 up. $25 down. 46(13 N. 5th. FORDS '-ton panels.
'39, new paint, over-haulel. $.395. LPT Broad A Ihigh. CMC. '38.
i-ton panel body truck, perf. will sac. Call Mr. Taylor. Mar.
INTER. C40, D3. D35. D40 Tractors A L.W.B. Terms, 1137 N.
Front St. PLYMOUTH '40 Panel. "Leftover Model." lull price. $565. 2034 Germantown vc STUDE.
36. bootleg coal body. lags. )er- fect. $.50: Chev.
chassis A cab. lit wheels, new rubber, perfect, first $223 takes it. 4 22Q Market st. USED TRUCK SPECIALS CHEV. '35 l'i-ton ch A cab, 137" $150 FORD '37 H-ton panel S150 CHEV.
'38 H-ton panel $195 FORD '37 l'-j-tnn ch A rah 157" $250 CHEV '38 m-tnrl ch A cab 157" $.323 CHEV. '39 12" stake $150 Trailer van Bk. Brake $295 GMC '37 2'i-ton OOO 20 tags rebuilt $75tl CMC dump truck. '40 2-yri. Gallon body $hi GMC Diewl tractor.
3H-ton. air brakes $31v GEN. MTRS. TRUCK COACH 23rd A Carpenter Sis. Fulton 5231 TRUCKS 5 Panels 2 Tractors and Trailers 1 15' Bidy on 2-ton Truck Many others, includ.
stakes A chassis A cabs Hertz Drivurse'if Stations, Inc. 711 VINE STREET LOM. 9050 MR. Mac DONALD V-ton panel, $345. V.Y.
terms. International "4 -ton panel, $235. $5 dn. Dodge sedan delivery, $295, $3 tin. Dodge '4-ton panel $5 dn.
Manv others in stock, all bargains. ANDERS A JERVIS CHEVROLET 678 A 1515 N. Broad st. Open evenings 2 26' DEMO trailers van), greatly reduced. Variety of used trailers.
Very chea p. Highway Trailer. 139 N.22d. Loc.5565 LARGEST and finest selection of trucks in Central City 20 S. 23d st.
AUTO TRUCKS TO HIRE RENT A CARor truck You drive it. Newest models. BILL'S TRUCK RENTAL SERVICE. S. W.
cor. 6th A Berks. Pop. 874J TRAILERS VAGABOND and Piatt display and sales. Used trailers on hand.
Route 40, 7 miles bel. Vllington. Box 30-A, New Castle. Del. COZY' coach owned bv clergy man.
A-l cond. Sac. for $595. 236Lanrasler avArd. 1 131R SCH'UL'fKconoiny Home Traders.
$5O0 to $1 1 IO. Ch. W. Russell. Newtown TRAVElJlV-New A Ued Trailers Village Green Trailer Park, Rd.
315o. open sunday a CASH OR CREDIT Our reasonable prices with wrllien guaran tee A low mo. payments wm interest vou. OVER 50O0 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. Drive in or call Motor Service Supply 14.34 CALLOWJIILL ST.
l)ien Eve. till 9. Saturday A Sunday till 3. Phone RIT. 4X130.
NEW EASY PLAN We overhaul, rebuild, repaint, deliver your tar like new. 5 weeks later you pay litvv as $1 week. Free tow. No title. CF.NTI1AL A UTt )R EP A I .1 61 IN ST.
LOC. 4242. FREE TOWINO SERVICE, auu, lepuirs on time, $1 $1 wk. Unconditional guar. West Finest Shop.
Never closed. City Auto Body 4201 Walnut. Bar 4770 EXPERT auto A body repairs. Terms low as $1 week. 2807 N.
5th St. Neb. 9628. AUTOMOBILES WANTED CASH AT ONCE Will buv and pay spot cash, all makes and models. Immed.
settlement. Highest prices George Gorson. 250 N. Broad Rit. 5837.
WF: PAY highest cash prices for late model cars If vou owe money on your car we pay finance co and give you the balance. Shore Bros. .4225 Chestnut A 4201 N. Broad. I WILL pay more for any good car.
especially- 1934 A 1935 models. 6538N. RROAD AT 66TH AVE. UV.JI111. 5 'I.
Chassis truck. Cheap. Call aft. 7 or write Chief Scheller, Eagle Volunteer F'ire learview A Fielrd rNne HHI.N. J.
WTD. cars, any vr. or model. In good cond. 2(KK)-52-54 N.
5th. Open 9 A. P. M. CASH for vour rar.
Any make or model. 1321 N. Broad. Call Mr. Smith, Ste.
1959. Motorcycles Bicycles B1CYCLF.S btaight, sold A exchanged. $3 up. Open eves. Terms.
2231 N. Broad St. tv. at 3051 St. 2511 h.
S. 9 6 a. rtaron. 1.11 i.irarn Avenue. OAK $26751 must be Vol 6 tile h.w.
hdwd. fls. throughlout at Benedict's Church. Ogontz ave. Mu-.
5llO. SF.E KERNS about real estate in Hunting Park. Olney or Burholme. KKRNS. S.
W. Comer. 7lh I.uerne. Rnd. S745.
A BETTER BUY N. I. EE. H.w. heat, elec straight stnlr- w.
A. Baron. 157 W. Guard v. 129 W.
Erie. rooms, bath, porch, w. heal, oil burner, hdwd. floors. Excel, ond.
Shoemaker. 7th Erie. :942 RO.SEHILL""( kens.) i-slorv brick house, very wide street Reduced to S975. A. Baron, 157 W.
Girard Avenue. W. MAVHKI.Ii. 3d A Indiana Ave. 2-story brick house, h.w.
heat. Occupied. $175, S. A. Baron, 157 V.
tlirard Avenue. $175 CASH A $32 incl. every thTngbuys tins mixi. b-rm. nome on Main st.
in ligan. A. Epstein. 1420 Chestnut Loc. 75M5 $1150 block E.
Firth 2stry. house. large yard. Call 1569.
24JO N. Opal 6 rms. $1175. Rented. $20.
H. J. Miller. 2802 W.Lehigh. Sag.
1298. 3660 N. PERCY, newly 6 oatn. n. air nt.
snuco*ck. Sag. 2219 N. 22D ST. 12 $150 cash, balance monthly payments.
GOODMAN. Fre. 260O. TWO 2-sty. brick 6 rms.
A bath. $1200 total rent $38. Kinney. Reg.9919. 2017 N.
12TH. 12 3 baths. 6 $3oQ0. Will fin. Easy.
1712 Girard. $1750 Rented Good Investment or Home. 6 bath, good cond. Finney. Reg.
9919. "BUY your nome the Clarke way A save on outlay." W. A. CLARKE HAN. 3900 ONLY $100 dn.
Why pay rent, $18 mo. incl taxes, pays off home at Gtn. ave.Mic. 60OI 1916 W. WESTMORELAND.
Near Budd's. Storage Battery, etc. Sac. Price. Rad.
61DO. HOLC homes. 10e 15-yr. mtge. 4 in terest.Gd.
select ion. Doyle. 857 E. Allegheny. 8TH bel.
Allegheny. $1S50. 2-sty. home. 6 r.
A h. Key 1236 W. Hilton St. Sag. 5454.
OXFORD Circle. $2650 6 large bath. ga r. vv ad din ton I 02 kd Op. Su n.
1-5. 1318 W. CLEMENTINE. 5 rooms, tile bath, h. w.
heat. perf. Immed poss. Sag. 8341.
COMPLETE APTS. apt. house sec. Barg. private baths, Fetdman.
Fre. good 1916. $22(10. ONLY $200 req. 6 near Ascension Church.
REX. 2918 ESt. 220 N. WILTON ST. 2 story porch front, 6 rooms.
Make offer. D-350 Inquirer. 660 E. THAYER, in Catholic Parish. Porch-front home.
A. Baron, 157 W. Girard A CAMBRIA. Twin. hdwd.
gar. priv. $2500. 10 cash A bernethy.3437 Gtn. ave.
oil heat. $3500. Wuinn. 1533 Columbia. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES COR.
Bldg. Vicinity- Broad A Washington ave. 2-slv. A basem*nt. 230O sq.
ground. Priced right, $15,000. S-37S Inquirer spTTnkleis. Power plant. 2-car U.
R. sidu.g. N. Phila. Kob-eit N.
Jordan. Beurv Sag. 11264. 212.000 SQ.ft.r lear.sprinkleretl fir. space on 6 firs.
See Mr. Sidcwater, Imperial Woolen Mills. Rector AMain Myk.Man.;!684. J6U1 SQ. FT.
desirable factory low pnee. suit any bus. P. O. Box 5757, Phila.
WEST PHILADELPHIA 6641 LEBANON. Cor. 6 rms. A h.w. gar.
Basem*nt store. HOLC. $525 mo. expense S21.19. Average mo.
saving $26.25. Comp. $47.44. A. B.
Caspar. 5942 Lansdowne RMS. BATH. GAR. $3950.
We DN. MODERN HOUSING CO. .5229 CHESTNUT. "BUY" vour home the Clarke way A save on outlay." W. A CLARKE SHE.
40U0 20 N. 2-slorv 2 4 A- ea. Klamen, 1015 Packard Bldg. Rit. 37HO.
BOULEVARD SECTION 5005 ROOSEVELT nearly new 8 lge. 2 centre hall. dcL gar. Sac. Jef.
6395 CASTOR HIGHLANDS SINGLE corner. 2-car garage. A bargain at $3400. Heyer Kemner, 7319 P.ising Sun. FRANKFORD 1 sq.
from Bridge St. El hrk. dvvg. 4 bdrms. Nice yard.
$3000. C. A RY HEINZ. 4 413 Frkd. SEND for our list of homes All prices.
MAGU1RE. 5111 FRANKFORD GERMANTOWN A GENUINE BARGAIN 5815 Crittenden St. Just south of 1300 E. Haines. Beautifully recondit iuned thru; out with parquetry new mod.
kitchen. 5 spacious bedrooms, each with a large closet, an outstanding bargain at only $2990. 0en for inspection. Easily financed. LEVITT.
200 CHESTNUT ST. LOC. 2105. LINCOLN Modern del. tlet.
garage. Sacri. at Kit. 2338. 436 E.
Phil Ellena gmxl cond. New oil roof range. Flood. Han. 2100.
ELLENA. Vac, New oil roof, range. Flood. Han. 21oo.
BEAUT? home near Henry School. Large yarr' oil heat. Great sac. Che. 3411.
GREAT NORTHEAST GARDEN HOMES 4O0 sq. ft individual gardens. Sample. 6253 Tackawanna (6200 Fkd. Ave.) SINGLE st.hetw.Roose-j.
It hlvd. A ra nkfd. a e.Costello. May .9935 N'KW stone homes, with oil burner. S469jU rompl.
12QO Magee ave. A. V. Orleans Co. COR.
for professional use. 6100 Castor, in I ly an Korman's Development. Bal. 5451. 5626 RISING SUN opp.
Park. Ti'e kitrheniH Jiejit. T. .1. Kicly.
Dav. 9782. STONE front homes on IOO ft. wide Castor v. 1 67( "2Bk .1 Dtntenfa ss I dr.
Chei2225. Cutler Built Homes. $4175. oil burner. 590U Bingham st.
Bruntrager, Pil. 9894. 3200 VINCENTS $4895 (W. of 7100 N. Frankford McFarland, bldr.
SEE Wm. home at B. Davenport. Inc. New sample 433 E.
Vankirk st. Open daiiy. SIMON ST. at Torresdaie $3550. Godwin A Strauss, Agts.
Muth. bird. Jef. 986Z JUNIATA PARK NEW homes with gas or oil heat. $4190.
4300 St. Everdur. Jef. 9359. MAYFAIR NEW STORE A 2 apts.
Good Investment 6S00 Fkd ave. Ilunna. May.9784. MT. AIRY HARK opiwirlunity.
Must be riisttoscd of to settle estate. Modern in every way. 2 sty. stone A brick, large liv. rm.
with fireplace, din. breakfast rm. A 4 2 tiled baths. 2-car oil heat, many extras, including storm sash, built-in screens, awnings and blinds. PRITCHA RD A ROBINHOLD.
Vic. 5050 OAK LANE S1NGLK HOMES. $6850 up, New Second sL at Cheltenham ave. HcfTernan. Wav.
34)64. OLNEY IMAGINE! Mtviern 6 rms tile bath garage home. c-st $6ss), now SJOsi. Mic. 29D1.
MERVINE side 56(io Moil, garltome. 6 tile $315(1. Ola. 0466. 6216 5 rooms.
bth7 open porch. DARRAH. 6O03 N. 5th. Wav.
S62Q. 25() W. LINDLKY. desirable 7 rms end 2-car garage. Bal.
1300. OVERBROOK SHKRWOOl) 6416. Sarririce. Beautifully appointed modern detached dwelling. 5 bedrooms.
3 halhs. garden, terraces, lot 12iix1.Vi, 2-car garage. 0vrhrook's best imv. Inspection. 2 to 5 P.
M. Inc. Kin. 133.3. 18(A) BLOCK N.
57TH ST. New Coionial homes, 3 2 tile baths. Sample open. OXFORD CIRCLE 6t20 ALMA. 2 blocks north of boulevard.
Beautiful nevv home, financed to 'Sl't. 54.3IN. 5TH. WAV. )).
(ii 155 1 1 I ST. Mod'? H-Vm. "home. gaf. Small down payrnt.
Kcyjit Castor ave. AU FT.F.RBuilt htmies. )Oo Blisk Alma block of Castor ave. o8 Uta2 mo. MODF.RN.6 rooms, bath, basem*nt, garage.
MM) req. Wighlman. lorn) Bridge. Del. XliiO.
TORRESDALE "GOLF- CUKST Frankford ave. Single liiinit'ii at Schilling. ixiiiO bldr. WEST OAK LANE 6736 N. SYDENHAM (W.
of 13th Street) A beautiful HKCb minlern garage end home In a wonderful section. Price $4250. Will finance. Immediate possession. ROSS.
7.3Q S. 5TH ST. LOM. 2808 by Carl Metz. $4790.
Chelten-ham av. 2 blks. W. of Ogon tz av. Vic.
8500 NEV Bauer-Bill Colonial Tlomes $5150. Tulnehocken st A Cheltenham ave. 68(ii BLK. N. P.oUVIER.
6 hath, $32.50. Lifshctz. 1318 Locust. Pen. SEEkeHy' new Colonial homes.
$5300 with oil heat 79QO blk. Pickering st. CHF.LTENHaSi. 6 large 2-car garage, almost nevv. Vacant.
Regent 6681. WYNNEFIELD Ctifttom-Biiilt twin homes. Parkside av. block S. of Wynrietleltl drive.
Pen. 6851 SUBURBAN ARD.MORF: Semi-det. 6 $5000. $19 mo. complete.
Koser Bros, tire. O6811. ARONlSHNk. New. all "brick, single homes.
$5150. All elec. kitchen. 3 large bedrooms, Treaty rd. above Township line.
Sunset .5600. 3 3 $. off 2 UP TO SUPER. TORPEDO SEDAN Rcaatllul Dlu mr.M. whlln $0C wall tlrti.
Radls. Air Ctndilltn. 0J Mesltr. Vrrv km il. SnCl AC SEDAN Fully tqniaO'd by Buick.
Md.o JTQC llraler. Practically krand new. I OU ROADMASTEk TORPEDO SED. Twa-tonc moarl with.radis. liaatar.
JOQC Royal Mulir 1 Irat. Eipcially OiJO fSHlppai ay Balck. CUSTOM LIMITED SEDAN Fall uliu nqulpmtnt ay Boiek. SOIC kl'WfVi Mvthii BROAD 1 I' I Jll 1 J.W I mjA P-L-Y-M-O-U-T-H-S 1940 Del. 4-dr.
Trk. Sedan, radio, heat er, perfect black finish, used very little. Also Opera Seat Coupe $693 1940 Station Wagon, practically new. traded from original owner $.95 1939 Town Sedan, heater, etc. 193S 5-pass.
Sedan. gooi condil ion 1937 Town Sedan, g'xxi condition $3 15 65 Other Outstanding Values at WOLFiNGTON'S Phila. 's Largest DeSoto-Plymouth Dealers. VISIT OUR NEW "USED CAR ANNEX" 3430 Chestnut St. Open Eves.
PLYMOUTH 2- A 4 door sedans. 1934 to 1910. R75.0O About MO to choose iroin. spermi bargains. BRYANT 62nd A l.ANCASTF.R AVE.
PLYMOUTH 19.19 4-dr. DeLuxe Trunk Sedan. Radio. heater, v. w.
tires, bumiier guards. Very low mik'age. Really like new. Full pine 195. BRYANT 62nd LANCASTER AVE.
Fl-YMO U'iTlS 2-diMir and 4 door Sedans. Priced to sell S195 to $485. all Sag 7700 for demo, and terms. PACKARD. N.
Broad St. PLYMOUTH '35 2-dr. rad. r. mi.
$163. JON SP YMOUTH 6.3,30 N. Broad. Op.ev. P-O-N-T-l-A-C-S 50 of them 2 A 4-door Trunk Sedans, Coupes A Convertibles.
Everyone a Bargain 1940 models, save up to 1939 Models from 495 1938 models from 45i" 1937 models from 295 1936 models from 225 19.35 models from 150 50 other bargains. $50 to $650 Come in Todav Sce How Much You Save. TOWNSEND Phila. 's Largest Pontiac Dealers 2221-25 N. BROAD A 3427-29 N.
BROAD. PONTIAC 1940 Several 6-cyl. Sedans and Club Coupes. Radio and heater equipped. Priced at $t95.
$150 down. SHORE BROS. 4201 N. BROAD OPSN' EVENINGS PONTIAC 1936 $185 DeLuxe 6-cyl. 4-door Trunk Sedan.
Radio and heater equipped. $185 full price. SHORE BROS. 4201 N. BROAD OPEN EVENINGS I ntiac and other makes carefully selected and priced for your consideration.
A-L-L C-A-R-S I-N-S-I-D-E CHELTEN PONTIAC 217-19 W. CHELTEN AVE. PONTIAC '4(1 trunk sedan. Radio, heater, 3(595. $135 dn.
'39 trunk sedan. Radio, heter. $395. $95 dn. '37 trunk sedan, $295.
Motors. 4226 N. Broad. PONTIAC 1940 deluxe sedan, run little, almost new, 5695. Your car in trade or $125 down.
New car service A rates. Reliable Pontiac. 245 N. Broad. Open eves PONTIAC'35 deTuxe sedan, trunk, radio, 1 owner.
$195, $5 down. $11 mo, 6538 N. Broad at 66th ave. Liv. 3111.
PONTIAC '38 6-cyl. club radio, fog lights. WW tires, owner. $445. $15 $1 wk.
6538 N. Broad. Liv. 3111. PONfl'IAC "38 sdnTT4.000 actual mi.
$150. Tms. Jacobs Show 4215 N. Bmad st. PONTIAC.
'37 2-dr sdn. SPECK CADILLAC. 65Q1 Market.Op.eves. PONTIACS "40. 6 A Very low mi.
New car gar. Priced to sell. 64.30 Market. PONTIAC '39 Deu evtras. Townsend.
conv. one owner, 3427 N. Broad. PONTIAC. '40 4 mos.
old. Onlv $065. Tms. Jacobs. 4215 N.
Broad St. Op. eves. STUDEBAKER '40 "Pres. 8" 4-dr.
Tour ing Sedan. Radio, heater. Looks and drives like a new rar. $755. Call Sag.
770O for terms and demonstration. PACKARD-PHILADELPHIA. N. Broad St. STUDEBAKER Champion '39, 2-dior sedan.
12.0(A) miles, cost $749. bargain $400. Perf. cond pri. owner.
211 12 S. Broad st. WILLYS '37 coupe, from $165. only $5 dn. I-ots of bargains.
Willys J21 N. Broad st. Open Sunday A evenings. WILLY'S '35 sedan. 4-tioor.
perfect condition. Owner will sacrifice. $75 cash. 4057 Market st. Open evenings.
"4-Dr7DE LUXE PER F. 1 OWNER. $195. $5 DN. $13 MO.
6538 N. BROAD AT 66TH AVE. LI V. 31 1 1. WILLYS '40 sdn.
30 mi. to gal. Also $395. Jacobs Willys, 4215 N. Broad.
Op. eve. MARTINDALE '40 Ford "85" Coupe $550 '40 Ford "85" F'ordor 595 Vt8 Zephyr Coiqte 550 38 L. Zephyr Sedan 625 39 L. Zephyr Sedan 795 .39 Merrurv Fordor.
Radio 650 39 Packard 650 37 Dodge Tudor 325 38 FVird Dlx. Tudor, R. A 425 '36 Chev. Tudor 250 38 Plvm. 4-dr.
trk. A 435 '37 Chev. --T. Panel 250 Chev. 1W-T.
Panel, Heron 295 '31 Dodge I'-j-T. Panel. As Is 75 '33 Chev. T-s-T. Tanel, As Is 70 '34 Ford I'vT, Panel.
As Is 60 Our Guarantee Is Real Protection MARTINDALE FORD DEALER 320I J. M37N. BROAD $7700" DdwrTjSLLYOUNEED! '36 Terraplane trunk sedan $195 '36 Pontiac 4-dr. trunk sedan '35 Packard 4-dr. trk.
sed. extras $215 '37 Chrysler Hoval 4-dr. trk. sed And manv others, come on in. WOLFINGTON'S Phila's Largest DeSoto-Plym'lh Dealers BIG USED CAR ANNEX 3430 CJiestnutSh Open Evgs.
1940 PACKARD OFFICIALS AND DEMONSTRATING CARS Every one of these choice, low mileage Parkards is In suerb condition. Full custom accessories. Including radio, heater, white wall tires, etc. Your choice of several colors and models. Priced to sell quickly.
New car guurantee. Liberal terms. PACKARD-PHILADELPHIA 3223 N. BROAD STREET Open Evenings Sagamore 77O0 BUICK IO-Super Torpedo Slan. Radio and heater.
Two-tone paint scheme. $945. Terms. PONTIAC '40 8 DeLuxe Torpedo. Fog lights.
air-conditioned Custom built. Radio, two-tone finish. $895. SCOTT SMITH BROAD A RIDGEAVF. STE.
9100 NOTICE TO DEALERS We Wholesale Plymouth. Chevrolet B11-Icks. Dodges. Buv them where you can drive them LUZERNF: MOTORS. Kensington Luzerne sts.
Del. 8051. aTis A RUCK5 Monev-Saving Buvs Up to 21 Months to Pay I.ow inance Rata 1137 S. 58TH ST. GRA.
4630 I 4- Jet All in-door No Hi Pressure Tactics Please II rive In and Drive Out Pleased. Herb Byrne, Inc. 4848 Chestnut St. Gra, 9973 Opmn Sunday A Evening mm mm 34 l'LVMOI Tit lil 4-dr. 32 BUCK 4-dr.
Coupe Sed. Sed. Sed. .0 31 Bi ll 4-dr. 50 OTHERS IX STOCK liH.lliHlii'lllit 11- I FORD '37 157" C.
C. 32x6 10-PLY" TIRES. BARGAIN. Broad Motors Co. FORD DEALER.
$3 S13 MO. N. BROAD AT IHiTH AV 11 GRAHAM "41. HollywixKl Su'r-chiirger Run few mi Save VKi.See this beauty. Tmi.
47,10 CHESTNUT ST. GRAHAM, spec, sedan. A beauty, $25. JON ES PLY Ml )UT11. i33U N.Hi oa.l j- del.
4-di. sed. 1 owner. $125 bat 1 mos. He nd rL 47 18 FlOnsON '34 -2 dr.
very clean. Kali lilds. 32 W. Highland av. Che.
4JiH. "LaSAJ-LE '39 SEDAN" Beautiful 4-door Trunk Sedan. Radio and heater equipped. Run less than fXWH) miles. Unusual value at $150 down.
WW tires. $45. SPECK CADILLAC. 8501 Market, Op.Eves. LASALLE.
'39 4-dr. sed. R. W. W.
tires. $795. Scott Smith, Broad A Ridge. LINCOLN ZEPHYR 3939 Sedan, original owner, beautiful condition. Radio equipped.
S595 full price. This price is slOO under market. SHORE BROS. 4201 N. BROAD OPEN F.VKNINGS LINCOLN ZEPHYR '39 custom de luxe se dan.
Radio, w.w. tires, S5: $145 dn. 38 sedan, radio. $435. Get7.
4226 N. Broad. LINCOLN '34 6 very clean. S1S5. $30 dn.
Reliable. 203 N. Broad. IJNCOLN-ZEPHYR A-l cond" $245, $85 dn. Reliable Pontiac, 245 N.
Broad NASH. '38 4-dr. Touring Sedan. Clean crsr. Economical to operate.
$395. Call Sac. 7700 for demo, and terms. PACKAltD- 1 I ADELPH 1A. 3223 roa dS NASH '39 4-dr.
sed. Cleanest used car city. $500 quick sale. S51 K. Tioga.
In OLDSMOBILE 193 4-dr. Trunk Sedan. Radio and heater. Very low mileage. This very high- class car going at Soiz.
BRYANT LANCASTER 62 nd AVE- OLDS '38 4-dr. tik. sedan, heater, rad.o WW tires. 1 owner, low mileage. Bargain DENNIS CHEV ROLET.
4500 Woodlan ljvve OLDS '40 sedans. 8 cyl. Low mileage. New car cond. guar.
Big savings. Terms to suit. SELMI OLDS. 3431 N. Broad.
OLDS '39 2-dr. tour, radio, low $525. Becker-Mills. 4155 Frankford. OLDS.
'38 de 1. -573 down. Buy trk. sed. Real beautv, $.375.
A save at 1409 N. OLDS. '38. 6 A 8 trk. large selection.
WARRINGTON 5454 WALNUT. OLDS. '40 exec, cars A floor ml. Save up $4O0 SPEC KC ADILLAC. 65" 1 a rkeL OlTDS.
'40 2-dr. DeL. sed. 695. $195 dn.
Bal. 2 yrs. Hendri Lot. Gtn. A Hunting Park OLDS '39 70 4 dr.
radio, extras. Barg. Fall Olds. 32 W. Highland av.
Che. 4966. PACKARD '38 sedans. We have 9 beautiful cars of this tvpe. They will be sold this week at far below market value, after which the balance will be sold to used car dealers.
Come early. A GOOD DEAL HERE Waller Packard. York Jenklntown. PACKARD "40 "6" Club Coupe A Sedans. Several to choose from.
Colors and equipments. $795. Call Sas. 7700 for demo, and terms. 3223 N.
Broad st PACKARD '37 8" 4-dr. Touring Sedan. Radio, heater. Luxurious transportation. Five- and six-wheel equipment.
$595. Call Sag. 7700 for terms and demo. 1 'ark a rd F- hila 1 letph i 3223 N. roadSt PACKARD '39 4-dr.
Touring Sedan. of severe. I colors and etiulpments. Call 7700 for demo, and lerms. N.
BrmitSt PACKARD '37 sed. "12(1" aiecial. only Nothing $4 wk. Goldner Packard. 127 W.
Chelten. Or.1552. PACKARD '38 6-cyl. sedan." excel, radio A heater, only $195. Goldner Packard.
127 W. Chelten Ave. Qn Eves. PACKARD 194o Super 8 de luxe sedan. Beauty.
Fully guaranteed. Priced right. FR A NK FORD PACKA RD. 4744 Frankford. PACKARD '37 de 1.
trk. sed. Very snappy. $293. $75 dn.75 others reriuced.1409 N.
Broad PACKARD "36 de luxe 120 4-dr. trk. like new. $245. $60 dn.
1936 N. 12th st. P7CKART) RS cp. Spec. $225.
Tms Fkd. AutoMart Pratt A Darrah. 9861. PACKARD '38 sdn. C120, $185.
Tms. Jacobs Show N. Broad. Op.ev. PLYMOUTH 1937- DeLuxe 4-door Sedan.
Clean rar. excellent condition, well worth $75 more. SHORE BROS. 420! N. BROAD OVyJr-V KMNGS PLYMOUTH '38 coupe In excellent condition, a business man's car at a business-like price, $367.
1935 sedan, real good transportation, gtsxl motor, brakes, ortiy $iao, any terms. Quaker Chrysler 4233 FRANKFORD AVE OPEN F.VKS. Pl.YM. '38 del. 2-dr.
trunk A-l '38 del. 4-dr. trunk sedans. F'airest 30-day guars. Heinel Motors com I $415.
4210 N. Broaji.openeves. PLYMoTTtH '34 deluxe setian. nothing dn. $2.95 wkly.
Goldner Packard. 127 W. Chelten Ave. Open Eves. PLYMOUTH $5 $.1 wk.
F'letcher Mtrs. 3901 Germantown ave. Olicn eves. PLYMOUTH '41 spec, de luxe 12(A) rhT. 2-tone paint, radio, WW tires, 3 wks.
old. Save $175. 314 Lemonte 3-8 P.M. PLYMOUTH '36 $185, $50 A-l cond. Babbljt A Cle a flelds PLYMOUT IIS.
ail years and models. Reals? prices. Hemlrt Motors. 4718 N. Broad.
PLYMOUTH '39 sedan, $465. $25 $3.50 per wk. Robinson, 6t2r Ogont ave. PLYMOUTH. '37 sdn.
2 A IL. $295. JONES PLYMOUTH. a330 N. Broad.
Op.evs. Pl.YM '36 DeL Coupe, perf. cond. Must sell. $185.
on. oarage, j.iis master. I'LYM. '35 deluxe $165. $15 dn.
mo. 8Q46 Frankford av. Open eves. PLYMS. '33.
'34. '35. $5 dn. 82 wic. incl.
tags. See them today. Jacobs, 4612 N. Broad $100 Trms. Babbitt Plymouth.
29th A Clearfield. PLYM. '32 4-dr. sed. $50 full price.
Hendri Iyt, Cor. Gtn. A Hunling Park PLYM. '39 $175. SiVxTrin.
$6 wk. Hendri. It. cor. (itn A IIunltng Park.
tin. Bal. $3 wk, Hendri Ixit. or. A Hunnng Park Ave.
LYM'-wTdel74-dr. sed. $e-5? $165 baT? Broad. i PLYM. '35 2-dr.
htr. $125. $8 mo. Hendri. IxttrocJLltn A Hunting Park.
4-dr. del. sed. $35." bal. $5 wk.
Hendri 4718 N. Broad. tip. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY For Real Home Velvet Consult the Repratcntafiv Brokers leow Real Estate for Sale WRITE TODAY KOI! FRE" BfHlKLKT 352 Registered A Certilleti N- J. Real Fls-tale Bargains includes suburban homes, farms, country estates summer homes at hike or seashore.
N. .1. is the Ideal State in which to live-work-play. Address Nevv Jersey Council. Dept.
160. State House. Trenton. N. $3125 up, Crescent Housing $25 monlhlv up.
Bellmawr. r4. .1. 4.